March 2024

Four years has flown by.

Working on now:

Sound design for I’m Not Rappaport

Finishing the 317 Maynard renovation project, we are mere weeks away from calling this “done”

Re-aligning a couple of businesses and addressing the current debt load of said businesses

Working actively on my own mental health


It’s October of 2020 and boy does March of 2019 seem like a long time ago

I kept up the daily journaling for some time, but as the pandemic started that went by the wayside. I may start this again as it was helpful when I was doing it.
Learning Python is still on my to-do list, but I’ve switched to a course called Python for Everybody: (
The studio mastermind proved useful and I am now using techniques I learned there to continue growing my studio business
My physical goals from March 2019 didn’t stick at all, and I need to restart them. All of this has been hard during the pandemic.
I am still a to-do list maven, and that has helped keep me on my day-to-day tasks, as well I’m not 100% on my calendar, but being fairly rigid about it has helped keep me moving forward and get things off my plate*
Social Media is almost nonexistent for me, apart from a social Slack group that I’m part of. I need to review this and decide how to make it work for my business.
I have started three books, and need to set aside more time to work on them: a modern sound reinforcement primer, a book on sound design and audio for the small theatre, and a primer on mastering. They may only be exercises to help my writing, but we will see.

*I’ve now got a calendar entry in three months to revisit this, review, and revise.


Here we are in March of 2019 and here is what I’m working on now:

Daily Journaling (5 Minute Journal)
Teaching myself Python (
Continuing with the studio mastermind and refining what that means for all of us within it (it’s more like therapy for high achievers, in a good way, and less about actual studio stuff)
Continuing to refine productivity processes (and trying to stick with to my calendar)
Drinking 3 litres of water a day
90 squats a day
Reading 30-50 pages a day (currently The 10X Rule by Grant Cardone, but I may bail on that one)
Working on reducing the size of my master todo list. There are a lot of things that I need to wrap up and clear off of there
Taking a much needed social media diet (almost no FB/Instagram/Twitter), and soon hope to make it a 30 day absolutely no social media fast


It’s been a while but here we are in September 2019

What I’m doing now (Updated 25 September 2019)

I’m finishing an Accountability Bootcamp that was adjacent to the Profitable Producer Course
I’m starting a mastermind with some fellow engineers, also coming out of the PPC/Bootcamp
I’ve recently launched my revamped website
I’ve seen some results with cold outreach so I’m creating a system around that
I’m 1/3 through Work The System by Sam Carpenter
I’ve nearly completed my recurring calendar events (it only took three years!)
Major goal: double my income to date via the studio, in the next three months, setting myself up for the new year


What I’m doing now (Updated 13 January 2017)

I gave up on the slow carb diet a long time ago, but am considering it again

I am contemplating a very modified Bullet Journaling, possibly within Evernote (full blown seems to be a lot of time rewriting things)

Continuing to work on calendaring

Working on 2017 goals

Refining processes in 17 Hats


What I’m doing now (Updated 19 May 2016):

Implementing 17 Hats to improve my business workflow and billing

I am 17 days into the slow carb diet

Still working on calendaring perfection

I have two goals over the next two weeks: 1) email outreach to previous clients, 2) email list building blitz


What I’m doing now (Updated 06 May 2016):

Evaluating 17 Hats to improve my business workflow and billing

I have started the slow carb diet to eat healthier, cheaper, and loose a few pounds

My exercising has slowed down from my successful January, so I am working on getting back to the gym more often

I’m back to trying to get everything on my calendar (mixed success so far, but I have not given up)


What I’m doing now (Updated 01 Mar 2016):

Today I’m questioning everything. And I’m not sure I’m getting the answers I want.


What I’m doing now (Updated 06 Jan 2016):

I actually am disappointed that I’ve not made enough progress in most of the things below. For some I have valid excuses. For others not so much. I’m going to leave things below and review them more often to make sure I’m on task for my goals. In addition to the below:

I’m thinking about a “Theme” for 2016 (to feed into my goals for the year)

I’m exercising more regularly

I’m trying to get everything on my calendar

I’m working on our personal finances

I’m approaching things with “Hell yes!” and “No, thank you.” in my mind. (again, thank you Derek Sivers)


What I’m doing now (Updated 24 Oct 2015):

I’m working with a new business coach

I’m working to expand my mastering client base

I’m editing videos for Baseline Audio as well as for my wife and her projects

I’m reviewing past client emails so that I can contact those I haven’t heard from in some time

I’m learning to use Freedcamp and trying to put a number of projects in there [1]

I’m trying out a few new apps: Docady, PackPoint, EasilyDo, and Google’s Inbox [2]

I’m also starting to practice information minimalism. I’ve deleted 20+ podcasts from my catcher, unsubscribed from 80+ feeds from my blog reader, and unsubscribed from countless mailing lists…in addition, I’m planning on how to go from ~8 email addresses down to 3 at the most (without losing close to two decades of archives)

I’m continuing to use CoachMe to keep me on my goals of no soda, no fast food, exercising three days a week, writing daily, and reading daily. [3]

Oh yeah, I’m working on populating and updating THIS site!

This post was inspired by Derek Sivers

[1] I gave up on Freedcamp and went back to using Trello to manage my projects

[2] I just could not get used to Google Inbox.

[3] I was not regularly getting 3 days of exercise in, but I am now. I could not sustain a daily writing habit, but may try again in the future. I stopped reading a book daily (I still read plenty, but this habit was to help get though my backlog of books)